Personalized and Adaptive Learning

Personalized learning is an educational approach that aims to customize instruction and learning experiences to meet the individual needs, interests, and abilities of each learner. Rather than a one size fits all approach, personalized learning employs data and technology to create tailored learning experiences for students.

The delivery of personalized learning relies heavily on multimedia tools, such as simulations, podcasts, videos, and games, to provide interactive and engaging learning experiences that can be customized to a student’s learning style. Artificial intelligence (AI) is an essential aspect of personalized learning and is used to provide personalized recommendations and support.

Machine learning is a specific type of AI that enables computers to learn from data without explicit programming. It can be used in personalized learning to analyze student data and inform instructional decisions. However, concerns about the use of “teaching machines” in learning include potential dehumanization of the learning experience and reinforcement of existing biases in the education system that could perpetuate inequalities for marginalized students.